Simplify & Grow
Your Coaching Business

All the Tools You Need in one software, to save time, manage more clients and ensure clients satisfaction

Simplify the way you

Manage your Clients


Create and modify diets for you or your clients in minutes. Choose foods from the biggest nutrition datanase in USA and Canada or customize your own foods.


Create personalized programs effortlessly. The workout interface is very flexible and customizable and can handle all type of workouts.


Keep a close eye on your clients’ progress at all times. Weight tracker, progress pictures, workout logs and bodyfat history accessible from your dashboard.

Tracking System

Take control of your clients’ preparation. Fitlog lets you interact with your clients and manage them conviniently without losing track of anything.


Take control of your clients’ preparation. Fitlog lets you interact with your clients and manage them conviniently without losing track of anything.

Making clients interraction easier


Forms or Questionnaires

Food Preferences

Available equipment


Nutrition Plan

Workout programs

Suppliments Protocoles


Messaging system

Checkin feedback



Client Food log

Client workout log

Client Cardio log

Goals & habbits


Messaging Notification

Programs updates

Upcomming events

Invoice due

Calender &

Make booking easy

Reschedule / cancel
client schedule

Finance &
Client Payments

Build Packages

Automate Subscriptions

Invoicing system

Bigger team less hasstle

Making it easier for trainers and managers to work together
Portal with Brand

Create and modify diets for you or your clients in minutes. Choose foods from the biggest nutrition datanase in USA and Canada or customize your own foods.

Trainers Roles

Create personalized programs effortlessly. The workout interface is very flexible and customizable and can handle all type of workouts.

Sharing Everything

Keep a close eye on your clients’ progress at all times. Weight tracker, progress pictures, workout logs and bodyfat history accessible from your dashboard.


Take control of your clients’ preparation. Fitlog lets you interact with your clients and manage them conviniently without losing track of anything.

Business Overviews

Take control of your clients’ preparation. Fitlog lets you interact with your clients and manage them conviniently without losing track of anything.

we are happy because we
have happy customers

What our client say!


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Try Fitlog Today!

Send Unlimited Invoices
Send Unlimited Invoices

All The Tools you Need to
elevate your coaching service

as a trainer, to not missing any details and guide your clients perfectly.

Manage & Monitor
Nutrition plans

Strong Notification

Assign Detailed
Workout Programs

A Robust Invoicing

Set Up Detailed
Supplementation Protocols

Easily Accessible
Activity & Stats

Assign Detailed Onboading &
Checkin Forms

Strong Trainer + Clients

No credit card required